Wallpaper can transform a room quickly and easily.You can wallpaper all walls, the ceiling or create a large over scaled piece of artwork by framing it.It would be perfect for nearly any room in the house: your living room, bedroom, bathroom, etc.The wallpaper are made of a high quality, waterproof, and durable vinyl and will stick to any smooth surface.It can be washed with gentle pressure and a soft damp cloth strippable.You can add your own unique style in minutes! this wallpaper is a perfect gift for friend or family who enjoy decorating their homes.17.7-inch wide by 394-inch long; approximately 45 useable sq ft.Easy to apply - just peel and stick! applies to any smooth surface.Removable and repositionable with no sticky residue.Pre-pasted, requires no additional adhesives or activators.It is an inexpensive, invaluable product.Can be scrubbed and strippable.
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